21.  And he laid out welfare measures that he would put in place if Congress and the president abolish the current federal system.

22.  And it was not only because it was the third time I had heard precisely how that acrobatic quartet achieved congress.

23.  And now state legislators and members of Congress are proposing that insurers pay for two-day stays for mastectomies.

24.  And the Democrats in Congress have bedeviled Dole with a push for a raise in the minimum wage.

25.  And those high poll ratings, they argued, translate into more power in negotiations with Congress.

26.  Another issue before Congress that will require bipartisan cooperation is campaign finance reform.

27.  Are you puzzled by the fact that Congress does little to remedy those defects in the bureaucracy against which it constantly rails?

28.  As usual Congress reflects the mood.

29.  As veteran senators and representatives with strong international experience leave Congress, their knowledge of foreign affairs is simply not being replaced.

30.  Ashes without phoenix Whatever the president Decides in June, the biggest threat to a slimmer space station will be Congress.

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