21. A person who is given confidential information and is unaware of its confidential nature will be able to use the information freely.
22. Many licences for the use of patented inventions include permission to use know-how, the confidential information needed to use the invention to best effect.
23. The court held, however, that confidential information, i.e. the questions on the paper, was not property for the purpose of the Theft Act.
24. However, Oxford v Moss, above, held that confidential information such as exam questions is not property for the purposes of the Theft Act.
25. If no agreement has been signed, the vendor may want an appropriate agreement before revealing any confidential information as part of the due diligence.
26. Some restraints to ensure the protection of confidential information may be similarly regarded.
27. The term business secrets, where used in this book, is intended to cover any confidential information of value used in business.
28. Thus if the confidential information was published in full detail then the initial recipient would not have a head start.
29. Of course for the obligation of confidence to lapse the information published must be the same as the confidential information.
30. He held that an injunction could be granted against a stranger who had come innocently into the possession of confidential information to which he was not entitled.