21.  All five of the men will be charged with committing treason against the state.

22.  All four have been charged with crimes against humanity by the Hague International Tribunal.

23.  Although the authors were charged by the fraud squad, they were not prosecuted.

24.  An Institute working party was charged with updating the guidelines.

25.  Analysts say this trend is even more remarkable because public universities run open admission policies and do not charge tuition.

26.  And also find out whether your existing lender will charge for supplying references to a potential new lender.

27.  And exploitation of the tourist appeal is difficult because state law forbids cemeteries to charge admission.

28.  Any loss arising should be charged in the profit and loss account.

29.  Archbishop Prospero Penados del Barrio has charged that some political parties have financed their activities with ransom money.

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