21. This interpretation was based on assumptions about the types of information available in different stimuli.
22. Kopyion had expressed a great deal of interest in these killings but had not passed on all the information available to him.
23. However, it is likely that fixed costs would increase, but we have no available information to assess this possible option.
24. This field allows you to indicate whether there is any additional information available to back up the problem outlined in the description.
25. This field allows you to indicate whether there is any additional information available to back up the remedy outlined in the description.
26. There is still more QA information available which could not be displayed on the screen due to size limitations.
27. Erm, the amount of information available determines, on the probability of thereby you can reverse it round, and say the amount of unemployment.
28. The evidence on social factors related to the course of schizophrenic disorder is still the most valuable information available for prevention.
29. Indeed, there is even less available information than in the case of derelict land.