21.  After they had used swear words once in class, he argued, they would never use them again.

22.  After two or three years, Raymond gave up coming to court to argue.

23.  Aftergut argued that domestic partners benefits can be set aside from the federal act.

24.  Again, the medical profession will argue that an individual without medical expertise can not pass judgement on their performance.

25.  Airline officials argued that time was needed to verify names to ensure accuracy.

26.  All that argues for the vigorous pursuit of nuclear non-proliferation.

27.  Although they continue to argue, she remains fiercely loyal to her mother.

28.  Although this has been argued over for fifty years, the size of this ancient catastrophe now seems incontrovertible.

29.  Always greet the guest warmly by name and say something pleasant, never argue or contradict, and avoid controversial conversation.

30.  Am I arguing the case for a send pair of skis?

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