21.  A new assembly language entails yet another learning curve.

22.  A Palm Beach County grand jury conducted another inquiry, completed in March.

23.  A poster for the local paper on the wall next to the newsagent claims boldly that another big cat has been seen.

24.  A red squirrel was another early riser.

25.  A second and more serious objection to this definition concerns the impossibility of completeness in another direction.

26.  A security guard suffered serious head injuries, while another person suffered deep cuts from flying glass.

27.  A short-lived ceasefire broke down in January after army commanders demanded another chance to smash the Tigers.

28.  A similar effect is used in another part with a ball swinging over the screen.

29.  A smaller group will probably still be early preoperational, and another similar group will be late concrete operational.

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