11.  After a day or two layover in Casablanca, I headed on back home.

12.  After a few weeks of that we were headed for New York in the proper way, by bus.

13.  After a vineyard visit, members head to Greymouth for hiking up the Franz Joseph Glacier with a local guide.

14.  After eleven minutes it looked as though the changes would work, when John headed into the net from a centre by Hulme.

15.  After their terribly exciting bridge crossing, they hopped back over the shallows and headed back to their mini-van.

16.  Afterward, he visited the hospital, dropped by the Grill for breakfast, and headed to the office, walking.

17.  Al Pacino heads the cast of this political thriller.

18.  All these convey an organisational unit headed by a line manager.

19.  An alligator head in profile juts up at the top, its darting red tongue thrusting out sideways.

20.  And all reasons for not heading straight for the bank.

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