11.  According to Hirsch and Gordon, the quality press focuses on those issues which interest and reflect its middle and upper class readership.

12.  Action should focus on the training needs of all new recruits and continually developing and improving the skills of existing employees.

13.  Advertising strategy will be directed away from product-led treatments to focus on consumer demands.

14.  Advisers said Arroyo will focus initially on reinvigorating the economy, battered by the political crisis.

15.  Again perhaps an initial discussion which does focus on the differences to get that out of the way might be helpful.

16.  Again, we must focus on structural, ongoing deficits, rather than temporary blips that naturally accompany recessions.

17.  All discussions of eating disorders focus upon the disorderly eater rather than chaotic food.

18.  All eyes focussed on her.

19.  All of our attention was focussed on the boy.

20.  Also contributing to the turmoil recently has been growing criticism that the talk shows focus on sleazy topics.

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