11.  A few wish the father to develop a relationship with the baby.

12.  A friend of his father said he could get Isaac a job making cooking pots in Ivory Coast.

13.  A gentle, almost effeminate scholar, Minh Mang reinforced the Confucian administration he had inherited from his father.

14.  A lot of people found my father rather formal and aloof, particularly when they first met him.

15.  A mile out of town his father stopped the mules and then got out his knife to cut each boy a sample.

16.  A pleasant-looking woman with a pleasing Seoul accent greeted my father as he entered the gate.

17.  A power struggle develops, as the toddler digs in his heels even further the more his father takes over.

18.  A professor of philosophy immediately became my intellectual father.

19.  A quick DNA test shows which partner succeeded as a father.

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