11.  After a few days, I found the boys making secret plans behind a bush.

12.  After the Security Council ultimatum was issued, Bush offered to enter into direct negotiations.

13.  All this lowland country was covered in thick bush, and large trees bordered the river and streams.

14.  Allen had crept under a bush and even asleep was as difficult to see as a wild creature.

15.  Almost as bad as the thorn bush, Lollo said.

16.  Although Bush and Clinton tried to persuade Congress to pay off the debt, the lawmakers have balked at doing so.

17.  And beyond that, in October, loom the television debates where Bush will be required to defend his policies and plans.

18.  And symmetry was at stake too, since Bush will be at the Gothenburg summit next month.

19.  And the Bush administration is sending clear signals that it would welcome such a deal.

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