11.  A moderate reform of capitalism could, it was argued, be effected through a rational planning programme.

12.  A month of arguing in Florida did no favours to the organisers of the inaugural social whirl.

13.  A resignation would force open the debate and make Dini keep his promise to quit, the Alliance argued.

14.  A rise in wage levels, Barton argued, encouraged employers to invest in labour-saving technology.

15.  A uniform call for special deposits, it was argued, could upset their foreign business very substantially.

16.  Adtranz argues that California law allows the reimbursement if the action conferred a significant benefit to the public.

17.  Advocates argue that the absence of burdensome regulatory restrictions would stimulate new business activity.

18.  After arguing with the night porter for another ten minutes, they worked their way up floor by floor.

19.  After the Williams Report, it was very hard to argue convincingly for a laissez-faire approach to screen entertainment.

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