11.  A gentle wipe with a damp cloth is the safest course of action.

12.  A high proportion of nursing actions on a surgical ward are directed towards the prevention of problems.

13.  A high-Octane blend of action and patriotism fuel this predictable, average action flick.

14.  A knee injury put him out of action for three months.

15.  A landlord can not normally bring an action for trespass as the tenant is the person who has possession.

16.  A lower federal court ruled that, irrespective of the circumstances, such disciplinary action is never permitted without a prior hearing.

17.  A majority of those voting can overturn the actions of their own elected representatives.

18.  A Ministry of Defence spokesman said there was no evidence of hostile action.

19.  A new lobbying group has been formed to press the Government for tougher action on climate change.

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