111.  Donen and Vincente Minnelli were the directors with whom he collaborated on his most glorious musicals, often sharing the directing credit.

112.  Dougal wished he could share his confidence.

113.  Dozens of families lived in each building, shared toilets with neighbors and bathed in the kitchens.

114.  Drop me a line at the Washington Post Weekend section and share your thoughts.

115.  Drug users are at risk when they share needles.

116.  Drug users need to know that sharing needles is high-risk behaviour.

117.  Drug users were warned about the dangers of sharing needles.

118.  During cross-examination by Abramson, Dietz agreed that that condition shares symptoms with post-traumatic stress disorder.

119.  Each pair of houses shared a front door, staircase and a passageway which led to the small rear yard.

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