111. Even when faced with new scientific evidence of the human role in climate change, the GCC remained combative.
112. Every side of the debate, backed up with scientific evidence, is presented.
113. ExxonMobil, based in Irving, Texas, opposes the Kyoto treaty and has questioned the validity of scientific evidence that global warming is a real danger.
114. Firth was described as one of the first anthropologists to rely heavily on scientific evidence.
115. For example, Asgrow claimed that wild squash was unlikely to interbreed with genetically engineered squash, despite much scientific evidence to the contrary.
116. Fleming declined to interpret the new scientific evidence.
117. Ford agreed to avoid broad claims about the filter system and to have reliable scientific evidence to back any air-quality claims.
118. Further, the trial featured pitched battles over scientific evidence.
119. For the prosecution, a month spent determining the admissibility of scientific evidence would be another month in which to organize what some see as their currently disorganized case.
120. Foreyt and other critics counter that case studies and testimonials from satisfied customers do not amount to scientific evidence.