101.  Despite their distinctive lifestyle, Puritans do not appear to have shared any distinctive social philosophy or consistent political outlook.

102.  Differences between the two theorists seem plentiful, but they shared many views.

103.  Different perspectives, shared in an atmosphere of mutual respect, will always get a better result than Lone Ranger approaches.

104.  Diners share long benches and slurp huge bowls of noodle soup or stir-fried plates.

105.  Do not share razors and toothbrushes.

106.  Do other solicitors share my opinions?

107.  Do others who share my fish-related hobbies suffer a similar identity crisis?

108.  Do you share the apartment, or do you live by yourself?

109.  Do you share your deep concerns?

110.  Does she welcome the intruder and discuss how best they can cohabit the territory, sharing prey?

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