101.  Congress has on several occasions given extensive consideration to the problem of protecting the military and strategic secrets of the United States.

102.  Conifers protect their trunks from mechanical damage and insect attack with a special gummy substance, resin.

103.  Conservationists believe that it will protect hundreds of thousands of acres of informal open space.

104.  Cover young plants with garden fabric to protect them from late spring chills.

105.  Criminal law should be used to protect and reinforce moral principles.

106.  Currently, subsidies that were envisaged as a way of protecting farmers in poor areas are being commercially exploited by wealthy landowners.

107.  Doctors such as geriatricians and psychiatrists have been cast in the role of fixers and gatekeepers to protect the institutions.

108.  Dole is a man who has fought his entire life to protect and advance his core beliefs.

109.  Each is protected by a layer of zinc, which drips on to the ground when it rains.

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