101.  He turned down a street leading to the coast road, and Ruth knew he was heading for Starr Hills.

102.  He used to practise heading, flicking the ball from wall to wall, as he sat there, a constipated schoolboy.

103.  He was elected to head a commission on tax reform.

104.  He was headed straight for jail.

105.  He was headed up to bed when he heard the antiquated blast of the front doorbell.

106.  He was one of thousands who headed south as soon as they heard the glad tidings on Monday morning.

107.  Head through here and out again into open countryside.

108.  Headed by Jack Kemp, this largely Republican commission was privately financed.

109.  Heading up an orange-dirt trail, she passes prickly pear cactus and yucca.

110.  Helen headed for the nearest one and asked about photograph albums.

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