91.  Asking whether IVF or fertility drugs were used is feasible.

92.  As soon as patients stopped using the drug, the pounds came right back.

93.  At a press conference Thursday, Donna Harris-Lewis, his widow, said he had never used drugs.

94.  At night other people come and use drugs in the school playground and leave broken glass.

95.  At Diversified Pharmaceuticals, a special team of employees evaluates the effectiveness, side effects and the benefit of using a drug versus the cost.

96.  At present, the company is asking the FDA for approval to use the drug only to treat shingles.

97.  At a minimum, Sasich contended, a registry now ought to be created to track patients who use the drug and pharmacists who sell it.

98.  At the same time, the panel found no evidence that such programs increase the frequency of drug injection among participants or coax newcomers into using drugs.

99.  At the same time, Barry experienced a personal decline, socializing with women other than his wife, drinking and using drugs.

100.  At this point, she is drinking and using drugs heavily.

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