91.  Although purpose-made units are expensive to buy, ordinary hand-microphones attached to simple booms make an acceptable alternative for amateur use.

92.  Although useful for an initial screening programme, their continued use needs to be evaluated.

93.  Always observe the correct procedure for the use of ski-lifts.

94.  Ample precedents exist for imposing spectrum use fees and cable franchise taxes for public telecommunications purposes.

95.  An added benefit is that rabbits are commonly raised without the use of hormones or steroids to promote growth.

96.  An efficient stock Market is therefore necessary to ensure an efficient use of capital.

97.  An equally efficient use of resource.

98.  An example is the use of propranolol and amitriptyline in the patient with symptoms of both vascular and tension headache.

99.  An international agency could monitor compliance with international arms regulations, such as those banning the military use of chemicals and bacteria.

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