91.  Affected fish are dipped in such a solution for a short period and then can be safely returned to the pool.

92.  After all, if they were premeditated, why were they carried out with such extreme violence?

93.  After all, such lopsided enthusiasm indicates that you feel well equipped to tell judges how to do their jobs.

94.  After entering the cave, Hawk senses such awesome power that he flees in terror.

95.  After examining such evidence, the Oregon court agreed with the teacher that the contract was not divisible into two parts.

96.  After he was fired, he put it about that he was fed up with working for such a large company.

97.  After six months in office, Brown has named minorities to such high-profile spots as police and fire chiefs.

98.  After such a heated year, many in the apartment industry predict calmer days ahead.

99.  After such a restless night, no doubt arguments were inevitable.

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