91.  A small amount of the drug is unlikely to have any harmful effects.

92.  A small amount of tomato paste will give extra colour and body to the sauce.

93.  A small and carefully selected group of friends has been invited to the wedding.

94.  A small army of men toting machine guns stood at the gate, which slowly swung open in front of us.

95.  A small art gallery has opened, but the remainder of the space is still vacant.

96.  A small audit committee was elected and the appointments of Vial as Professor and Huntingford as secretary were formally confirmed.

97.  A small baby crawled out on its hands and knees, its face covered in grime.

98.  A small bag of zeolite was used for three days, every two weeks to keep ammonia in check.

99.  A small band was playing dance music.

100.  A small band was playing jazz music.

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