91.  Conservation swap Global pollution could be more effectively tackled if countries would share their conservation ideas.

92.  Customers are offered a greater range of destinations and flight times, while carriers can reduce capacity and share costs.

93.  Cybersex A lot of people have experimented with verbal cybersex in discussion groups and shared spaces such as MUDs and MOOs.

94.  Dan Mulligan, a San Francisco lawyer who specializes in handling lending and foreclosure cases, agreed that homeowners shared responsibility.

95.  Dan shares an office with Lisa.

96.  Dave and Debbie Casson Decided to share a ministry, offering themselves as a team to fill one job.

97.  Davis wanted to share his concept and proselytize his ideas.

98.  Delia looked hesitantly at Heather, wondering if she should have shared this knowledge.

99.  Departmental staff are encouraged to share information as recorded, and other information as it comes to hand.

100.  Despite such important differences, these two political ideologies nevertheless share certain affinities with respect to their visions of law and government.

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