91.  After its experience with the disease, the public utility company issued an AIDS-specific policy statement and set of guidelines.

92.  After lunch, eager to stretch our legs, we simply set off walking without a map.

93.  After much debate and fascinating reading, the panel drew up its final list of the first set of National Certificate prizewinners.

94.  After organising a group of locals and a dugout canoe, we set out on the week-long journey to Iau.

95.  After presenting a set of newly engraved sonatas to the elector, he saw that Munich held no further attractions for him.

96.  After seeing the competitors set off, there was a dash to Forster Square Station to catch the train to Esholt.

97.  After six years in power, Park was becoming more repressive and had his sights set on long-term rule.

98.  After six years in prison, Louis was set free.

99.  After that we set the dining table and served the lunch we had brought.

100.  After the first set of interviews, we will draw up a shortlist of candidates we wish to interview a second time.

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