91.  By and large, individual programs allow you to set a default directory where files are always saved.

92.  By contrast, a small saving in purchasing costs can be worth considerably more in terms of equivalent sales value.

93.  By measuring their return on investment, they understand when spending money will save them money.

94.  By reducing the output of chemicals society would save more in social cost than it would lose in social benefit.

95.  By selling his prints he skimped and saved until he could afford his own car.

96.  Captain Oates made the ultimate sacrifice in a bid to save his colleagues.

97.  Carnegie heroes are recognized for trying to save lives while risking their own.

98.  Carter said he sought help in order to save his Marriage.

99.  Certainly she was saving the world, but was that enough?

100.  Cheaper that way, they sell stamps and save fuel.

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