91.  But this is a case where long imprisonment is needed not just as a punishment, but to protect society.

92.  Buy a bolster fitted with a plastic hand shield to protect your hand from badly-aimed blows.

93.  By a seven-nil vote, the Council passed a resolution protecting the land from development.

94.  By protecting them we ensure a healthy environment - for ourselves and our children as well as for the wildlife.

95.  By trying to concentrate on what she thought of as the negative parts of his personality she would protect her own weakness.

96.  Cattle wore collars of rowan wood to protect them from spells and curses.

97.  Children in these famine-stricken areas simply cannot be protected from the horror all around them.

98.  Choose a good moisturizer to soften and protect your skin.

99.  Companies in the survey were asked if they used any mechanisms to protect themselves against poaching by other businesses employing headhunters.

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