91.  For investors, the Ketchum acquisition is a positive sign that Omnicom intends to stick to its strategy of growth through acquisitions.

92.  For investors, the realization that inflation remains missing in action is a positive.

93.  For investors, this means lower costs.

94.  For many companies, pitching to investors has become almost a full-time job.

95.  Foreign investment peaked in November, when overseas investors took advantage of low prices.

96.  Foreign investors are not permitted to purchase land.

97.  Foreign investors have shown considerable interest in the venture.

98.  Former finance minister Boris Fyodorov, who represents minority investors, was reelected to the board.

99.  From wealthy countries, as well as from international investors who are willing to lend the World Bank funds.

100.  Fund investors should have large concerns about the liquidity of their investments and the associated risk.

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