91.  Dwight Silverman can receive electronic mail via the Internet.

92.  Emap recently announced the creation of Emap Digital which will support the development of all group investments in internet and new media.

93.  Enter the Internet as a way to get around parental censorship.

94.  Entrepreneurial time is too valuable to spend on frivolous games or, even worse, in killing time on the Internet.

95.  Even if you have restricted access to kids-only Internet sites and chat rooms, kids can still do it.

96.  Even more alarming is the increase in child porn sites on the Internet.

97.  Even new-media producers concede there is considerable expense and technical expertise needed to surf the Internet.

98.  Every time someone tries to explain the Internet to me, I get even more confused.

99.  Farallon, based in Alameda, develops Internet connectivity software.

100.  Federal organizations have been monitoring the Internet for Deceptive advertisements, consumer fraud, and other unlawful activities.

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