91.  And, of course, King gets paid, just as he always has when Chavez fights.

92.  And while landlords have more options than they had when space was going begging, that has not translated into arrogance, according to Steir.

93.  And they also have just what is desired in a drink meant for the holidays.

94.  And, mostly, he wanted to prove to himself that he still has what it takes to be a successful major-league starting pitcher.

95.  And they vowed to protect him from the kind of life they feared he would have if they returned him to his mother.

96.  Andrew, tell the nice judge here how much fun you have when you bond with the old man.

97.  And what recourse do you have if Indonesia continues to refuse an international mission for East Timor?

98.  And with his added strength, Camacho believes he has what it takes to bully Leonard the way Norris did.

99.  Archie, meanwhile, is intent on proving that he has what it takes to be a hitman.

100.  As a family, you hope you can afford more than what you have when you move.

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