91.  By the time he had finished all the computerized records had been erased and a new record created.

92.  By the time it was finished, the workings had gone lower than the levels it was meant to drain.

93.  By the time she finished, her father would surely have approved of her work.

94.  By the time she had finished, most of us were openly weeping with her, and the web was half finished.

95.  By the time the dentist had finished almost none of the existing tooth remained.

96.  By the time the Olympic champion finished in eighth, her emotions were laid bare for the crowd.

97.  Can I have a little more time to finish?

98.  Celera announced this week that it had finished sequencing the genome of that laboratory workhorse, the mouse.

99.  Chapman aimed to finish the season among the top five so that his players would qualify for bonuses under a new League scheme.

100.  Christina finished her coffee, then walked back to the house.

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