91.  As the line crawled gradually closer and closer excitement and enthusiasm rose to fever pitch.

92.  As the links between painting and teaching are close, the mixture of the two elements has important consequences.

93.  As the new millennium dawned and women came steadily closer to the top, executives at the summit began to grow uneasy.

94.  As the probe got closer to the problem area, the sound increased.

95.  As the scores were read out like a football draw it became clear that it would be a close contest.

96.  As we approached Abbeville, the gunfire sounded very close.

97.  As we do so an alternative approach will be offered which seems closer to communication in everyday situations.

98.  As we got closer, we could see that the Hall was a heavy, dark building with a large main entrance.

99.  As you get closer the beeping will get more rapid.

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