91.  Anyone caught Cleaning Fish on Picnic Tables gets thrown out bag baggage.

92.  Anyone caught visiting the Bookman during these was automatically punished and he kept swapping them around to try and catch people out.

93.  Anyone who has driven down the Dover Road to catch a ferry might agree.

94.  Apart from bait caught on the water, mostly frozen squid and sardines are used.

95.  Area jazz clubs and coffeehouses offer live music while visitors can catch a movie at one of two main theater complexes.

96.  Arizona law allows rattlesnake hunters to catch a maximum of four snakes per day in each of the four major varieties.

97.  Arriving late to find all moving stairways were out of order a panicky half mile sprint was needed to catch our plane.

98.  As Delaney and Forster hit the Deck they caught a fleeting glimpse of the crazed man going for it again.

99.  As food particles are swept by, they are caught by the tentacles and passed by them down to the mouth.

100.  As I considered whether to smash her and throw her down on the mountainside, I caught her scent.

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