91.  Both sides used reams of statistical data to argue for the superiority of their performance.

92.  Branson, he argued, was attempting to expand at a faster rate than the resources of the company allowed.

93.  Brian Roberts argues a similar case for village planning in Durham.

94.  Broadcast companies long have argued that if they have to pay for airwaves, consumers will suffer.

95.  But a small, growing school of Catholic intellectuals argue that natural theology actually supports the morality of homosexual unions.

96.  But conspiracy theorists have argued over the years that Oswald was an agent manipulated by Moscow.

97.  But Cooper argues that if major Internet providers go along with the plan, it will undermine the legitimacy of the extremists.

98.  But he argues that rule-making is none the less a useful device, and that it is often preferable to direct action.

99.  But he would be the alley-fighter who could argue over modern philosophy and quote the poets of the Augustan age.

100.  But I argue that the lack of comfort food can also kill you.

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