1.  A better solution is adding a second disk drive, or replacing your original.

2.  A Bill will be introduced to replace private legislation as the means for authorising transport development schemes.

3.  A broken one can be replaced at a more convenient time.

4.  A further outcome of the scandals was renewed pressure to replace outmoded hospital care by care in the community.

5.  A golden yellow line replaces that of the Redline Rasbora, and follows an almost identical path from nose to tail.

6.  A Land Rover mechanic replaced the stabiliser unit behind the dash - the fuel gauge worked again but not the temperature gauge.

7.  A larger, more complicated set of questions then came to replace the first simple questions.

8.  A new version is in the pipeline in which unknowns will be replaced by celebrities.

9.  A red lens in ormolu casing was clamped over his left eye, and perhaps had replaced the original jelly organ.

10.  A search committee will be formed shortly to select candidates to replace Tien, but a Decision is months away.

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