1.  when I saw a doctor, I thought that doctor could save many lives, so I wanted to be doctor .

2.  Many lives were saved.

3.  Saving water is saving life!

4.  Besides, in case of emergency telephone can save your life when you are badly ill and reduce the destruction caused by a fire.

5.  So saving peoples' lives is splendid duty that a doctor should disobey .

6.  If he just want to save a life for nothing, he is regarded as a hero.

7.  If he just want to save a life for nothing, he is regarded as a hero.

8.  It is said that she had ever saved people's lives.

9.  Euthanasia Should Be Legalized in China Euthanasia, or mercy killing, is that a patient's life ended in a painless way with the help of a doctor or other medical personnel on the condition that the patient has come to the end of his life with extreme pain and no medical treatment can save his life so that he requires his doctor to end his life.

10.  A survey of patients in hospital shows that most patient want to die in a peaceful way if no medical care can save their lives when they are suffering from intolerable pain.

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