1.  When I came home, I found hat the back was missed some pages, then I went back to the bookshop, but the assistant said she can't replace the exercise book with the other.

2.  Hower , computers ate not replacing us.

3.  First, people buy the commodities can not replace the real ones' use .

4.  The Expert's Restaurant is brush on the wall, while the GUFL Restaurant is the brown color glasses replace the walls.

5.  But nowadays, it is replaced by a system of mutual choice.

6.  The teacher plays no doubt a certain role, but his main task is to act as an observer, or an instructor, at the very most, who can not replace the student himself and finish the process of cognition for him.

7.  When you enter a modernized factory, you can notice there are not so many workers, because computer can replace so many people.

8.  Its status in the society can not be replaced by any other things.

9.  Suspection would forever replace the trust of friendship.

10.  Replacing the prison system is only an idealistic wish of kind people, but it has nothing to do with present reality.

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