1.  The working personnels pulled open the "bed", David's upper part of the body separated his lower part of the body.

2.  I must pull my forces together and tart afresh.

3.  When we arrived at the middle of lake, one of my friends falled to the lake, we were very worried .at this time, the boy who named Men Yang, jumped into the lade , saved my friend, when we pull then out of the water, luckily they were not badly hurt .

4.  Lanlan climbed into the litter-box and pulled the door from the inside so hard that it locked .

5.  and began to pull it to the land .

6.  At first, I couldn't grasp the spirit on how to go over my knowledge, so I was pulled by them.

7.  Taxies always pull up wherever the driver want to , which can lead to a bad traffic jam, in addition.

8.  At that time, a taller and fatter man came soon and pulled up the boy from the ground.

9.  For example, once there lived a farmer, he was worried to see that the crops were very small, then he pulled the crops from the land .

10.  If one want it to grow faster and pull it higher, the wheat will dead due to loss enough water, soil .

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