1.  In this Commodity society as we all know, Fake Commodities filled the Market.It seems that many people have accepted it , although they want to buy good goods.

2.  In recent years, advocators of Euthanasia in China have made very effort to make Chinese people accept it and try to legalize it too.

3.  More and more Chinese people accept euthanasia.

4.  Although it is still illegal, many people had accepted it.

5.  Therefore when it comes to the time people accept it more easily.

6.  And another reason why the Chinese people accept it is because it can release the pain of the patients and their relatives.

7.  Since most people accept it, euthanasia should be legalized.

8.  Most authorized Chinese favor mercy killing but many still consider it inhumane Thus before laws are drawn up for euthanasia we have to have these people accept it.

9.  Nowadays, more and more people accept the practise of euthanasia.

10.  Therefore, most people will accept the law, if the law is going to Decide that euthanasia is legal in China.

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