1. Since this grobal is getting more and more industrialized, a great number of water is used for producing .
2. People always think there is such a great number of fresh water that we can get constantly and the fresh water will not be used up for ever.
3. by various means of transportation, heavy loads of goods and a great number of passengers are conveyed to and from every corner of the city.
4. A great number of people are sent to study.
5. In cities like HongKong, Shenzhen, and Zhuhai, sky scrapers and huge buildings stand in great numbers.
6. Girls in GIFL are of great numbers.
7. Each year there are a great number of graduates looking for job.
8. A great number of college students emerge in all walks of life, with technical skill and knowledge.
9. A great number of people die of lung cancer each year in the world.
10. The construction of four modernization in our country demands a great number of talented people as they play a key role in science, technology, economy and many other fields.