1.  Most countries focus on economy.

2.  According to them, if you focus on your work, you will achive greatment .

3.  If you find out that you can only do well what you do now, you can just focus more attention or energy on it later.

4.  Because people have limited energy, you should focus on one thing then you May succeed.

5.  During the colledge time, they learned a lot of knowledge, not focused in one side , and they didn't like the specialize knowledge they learned in college.

6.  At first, in that 30 years, most developing countries focus their attentions on the economic construction and they have gained great success.

7.  To achieve more benefits , some manufactors focus on the quanlity .

8.  And more and more people focus on this topic.

9.  Some people like to held a job all time, because they think they have been skilled in the job and have good workship , they can focus all their attentions on the job, and they will do well in this job .

10.  Most of them are focused on the commercial propaganda and sale promotion of their commodity.

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