1.  He argued with anybody and about anything.

2.  they were arguing.

3.  they were arguing This was lone .

4.  when we met some questions different, we fist , argued with other classmate.

5.  Many people argue that there are so many rivers and wells in the world that human beings May have a plenty of fresh water to use.

6.  The model of friend, which we often describe, is who will listen to you when you talk about your problems or whom you can argue with and not lose your temper .

7.  The model of friend, which we often describe, is who will listen to you when you talk about your problems or whom you can argue with and not lose your temper.

8.  "Don't argue any more.

9.  Although some people May argue that Christmas should be a National Holiday in China too, it is impossible to become reality.

10.  Some might argue that legalizing euthanasia will cause abuse.

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