81.  The main complaint the "anti-televisionists" have is most likely to be the one that television causes people to get used to passing much time by receiving the pictures on the screen passively, which discourages imagination and creativeness.

82.  Television is only a facility to provide a wide range of entertainment and information.

83.  And as a matter of fact, the great majority of people are far from being so crazy about television as to glue to it day and night.

84.  In most cases, television acts as a convient means to get information and relaxation in one's spare time.

85.  People also blame television for the assumption that it is run for profit.

86.  And the competitions among different television stations eventually lead to the progressing of both quantity and quality of TV programs.

87.  So by weighing the advantages and disadvantages we can't say that television is the opium of the masses.

88.  Some people said that if he was alive at the end of 20th centary he would replace religion with television.

89.  By saying this, they don't see the great advantage television has brought to us.

90.  First, television provides us a very economical and convenient way of entertainment.

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