81.  Since people are born without any mentally or physically pain, why do they die with so much suffering?

82.  The patients merely lie in bed, suffering painfully with countdown of the approach of death .

83.  It's defined in the dictionary as " bringing about of a mercifully easy and painless death for persons suffering from an incurable and painful disease."

84.  The fundamental premise of the practice of euthanasia must be no chance for recovery and the extreme pain suffered by patients.

85.  In fact, it happens in every minute and in every corner of this earth that some people get incurable disease, waiting hopelessly and in despair for the end of life, what's more, suffering the extreme pains.

86.  A person who is suffering greatly from the pains, despair and the end of life but has no means to commit suicide would have died a hundred time if his /her strong will of death can kill himself/ herself.

87.  Is it humane to extend a person's suffering?

88.  They are fortunate and do not have to witness their beloveds' suffering.

89.  Many pain-stricken patients yearn for euthanasia to end up their suffering.

90.  As sixty-year-old woman in America suffered extreme pain from cancer and begged everyone who came to her to help her die.

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