81.  To save the fresh water, many problems should be solved immedately .

82.  I think, the first most of all, don't waste water any longer and save water to make good use of it.

83.  Lastly, we must improve the thought of saving water and behave ourselves by act .

84.  So the patient can be saved.

85.  It has saved many infant's lives and cured many diseases.

86.  Many lives were saved.

87.  Firstly, we must control the populations and the development of the industries in order to save the fresh water.

88.  There are many kinds of water, such as rain, river, well and so on, so they think we needn't to save fresh water.

89.  So we can safely draw the conclusion that we must save fresh water.

90.  Fresh water is the basis of lives, whenever we should remember to save fresh water.

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