81.  Its left art is mostly in shadow but the bright daylight penetrates in rom the right and pours freely on the floor and the wall.

82.  On the right, is a cheerful old man.

83.  Around his waist is a black broad leather belt attached with a pistol in a leather case on the right.

84.  The other girl slouches on the right of her father, hands in pockets.

85.  I turned to it nd find that the girl right beside me was leaning on her bicycle, humming the tune with the foot beating time.

86.  Secondly the woman right across the street says that she saw he boy stick the knife into his father.

87.  She sees the kid stick his father right across the street, across The EL track at 11 o'clock that night.

88.  We have the right to blame Rebecca, but from the story we can also see that Rebecca was a person , too.

89.  In her aunt's house, Gateshead, she "has less right than a servant."

90.  This May be the mainly reason we have the annual day for 'Protection of Consumers' Right'.

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