81.  However, he proved another important fact that two different weights drop simultaneously from the same height, would fall to the ground at the same time.

82.  In order to prove the Falling Theory, he tasted a lot of bitter things, and all of these can show his character to us.

83.  He could not accept the answers of the authority unless he himself did experiments to prove them.

84.  He dared to have differently thoughts and proved theory that different from Aristotle .

85.  Even if the students were scornful, even if the proffessors were very angry, and even if he knew what would happen if he proved his theory, he did it at last.

86.  If the prosecutor was guilty, it is important that he must think other things to prove that all are wrong.

87.  Nevertheless, his theory has been proved to be true to this day.

88.  Each person is innocent until is proven guilty.

89.  No, we should not say this boy is a criminal until he is proven guilty.

90.  D'Artagnan gradually proved himself to be a perfect musketeer, which was his greatest wish.

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