81.  They are the most dynamic elements in the party, enlivening the atmosphere with all their capabitities .

82.  They make everyone feel relaxed and happy, without any doubt, having people like them, parties often end up with quite a success.

83.  Nights are the most difficult time, especially when you hold a party.

84.  You host a party every weekend and will not disperse it until 2 o'clock in the morning.

85.  If you would please to dissoloe the party earlier, put down the shoes gently and postpone your time of practising saxphone I would be much obliged .

86.  So I think we should hold a party to welcome him.

87.  Yours, Tem Dear Mary, We have Decided to hold a party on the coming Staurday evening.

88.  It's a long time since we met each ther in the last year party, isn't it?

89.  They were helding a party.

90.  To have a party is very popular in our compus .

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