81.  At last he had to finish this kind of activity.

82.  After exercise, you'll feel your brain acttive and you can finish you study and work effiecently .

83.  Students should finish papers in a required time and get their scores.

84.  Third: In the evening, from 9:30 - 10:20 I must finish the assignment at first.

85.  Therefore, it is suggested that we students should take more time to study and take part in some social activities only after we have finished out study task.

86.  Under such circumstances I finished the nomal middle school and was entitled to go to University .

87.  It is necessary that students take part in some social activity after we have finished well our assignments.

88.  it will finish anothe time's cycle.

89.  It can also help us control the complicated operation, finish designnation of projects, relax ourselves, so on and so forth.

90.  But, I have lots of homework to finish and plenty of lessons to learn.

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