81.  Because when you are hurried, you'll lose the control of your mood, pay less attetion to the things you have to deal with at the time, and then you'll act as a fly on the heating oven.

82.  Though my teacher tried her best to deal with this thing and, everything was fine.

83.  Then how should we deal with it?I think many measures should be taken to deal with the shortage of fresh water.

84.  When you met with something unexpected, you won't deal with it with a patient heart.

85.  You should search for the solution first, then find out the way of dealing with the problem.

86.  We say that this word is a correct solution to deal with problems.

87.  Once there was a king who should return to his palace to deal with something in a short time.

88.  Since considered Decision is not involved in the whole process of dealing with problems, the result will not be a perfect one.

89.  "Haste make waste" tell us how to deal with the situation and our wills.

90.  So harmful are the fake commodities, thus we must carry out ways to deal with them.

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