71.  For instance, the medical treatment for a comatose patient costs 26,000 yuan a year.

72.  To maintain a patient's life including use of medication and life-support systems, it will cost a lot.

73.  Statistics indicate that medical treatment for a comatose patient costs 26,000 yuan a year, a heavy burden for the hospital and the patient's family.

74.  According to the statistics, the medical treatment for a comatose patient costs 26,000 yuan a year, a heavy burden for the hospital and the patient's family.

75.  More old people appear, who are prolonged painful lives by medical technique which cost a lot.

76.  However, statistics indicate that medical treatment for a comatose patient costs 26,000 yuan a year, that means our country puts a great deal of money on the patients who have no chance for recovery.

77.  Third, besides the emotional human feelings "Statistics indicate that medical treatment for a comatose patient costs 26,000 yuan a year, a heavy burden for the hospital and the patient's family."

78.  Statistics indicate that medical treatment for a comatose patient costs 26,000 yuan a year, which is a big figure for most Chinese families.

79.  Statistics indicate that medical treatment for a comatose patient costs 26,000 yuan a year.

80.  At the same time, statistics indicate that medical treatment for a comatose patient costs 26,000 yuan a year, thus the medical cost is a heavy burden for the state and hosptals Let us suppose that we donate this amount of money to the Project Hope, lots of students will benefit.

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