61.  As it turned out, a large number of Americans suffered from it.

62.  Louisa, Tom and Bitzer are the suffer of the society, but they don't have the characteristic of the laboring people, on the contrary, some of them do harm to the people .

63.  In fact, in order to pursue the scientific truth he suffered a lot .

64.  Students inhaling this kind of gas will easily suffer from it, or even get respiratory diseases.

65.  he suffered a lot from the accident, so did the students of the class he taught.

66.  Many people buy and ride stolen bicycles while they are suffering a lot from the unbridled bicycle theft.

67.  As my parents were far away from me, I was going to suffer from the loneliness and the great pain.

68.  Euthanasia should be Legalized in China Euthanasia, or mercy killing, means helping to hasten the death of a person who is badly suffering.

69.  Since there is no hope of recovering, and both the patient and his or her family are suffering, it is by no means a humane thing to extend their suffering.

70.  Those who want to extend other's suffering just for the sake of the ease of their conscience is selfish and unpractical .

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